What is Healthy Housing?
St James, Minnesota
La Convivencia Hispana
Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership
Partnership Art
ArtPlace America CDI
City of St. James
La Convivencia Hispana
Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership
Partnership Art
ArtPlace America CDI
City of St. James
Collaborative work as Homeboat
We partnered with local leadership and local organizers to facilitate a community meeting focusing on housing barriers in St. James, Minnesota. This workshop partnered leaders from different social groups into working teams that were able to offer perspective and develop mutually beneficial solutions. Using this workshop, we built a local coalition of advocates that worked across town to bring housing resources to neighbors in need.
Related Work & Projects
We are committed to making visible the undercurrents and overtures of the working world around us. Our projects live at the intersection of creative production and social engagement, building futures from neighbor-to-neighbor dialogue, civic sharing, and bright-eyed perspectives.