Project-based Coaching
Springboard for the Arts
Blandin Foundation
One-on-One and Peer Group Sessions
Springboard for the Arts
Blandin Foundation
Hi-Vis partnered with Springboard for the Arts as a peer coach for the Rural Placemaking Community of Practice and the Blandin Foundation. We met monthly with rural practitioners with in two fields of practice: Public Art & Programming and Local Economy & Entrepreneurship. The sessions provide peer-to-peer group space for grantees to dig deeper into placemaking issues they are facing, learn about one another's projects, and get perspective from fellow rural organizers. Hi-Vis facilitates and guides these conversations, while encouraging everyone offer thoughts and feedback.
We are committed to making visible the undercurrents and overtures of the working world around us. Our projects live at the intersection of creative production and social engagement, building futures from neighbor-to-neighbor dialogue, civic sharing, and bright-eyed perspectives.